Friday, February 25, 2011

Our School Checkup

Were you prepared for the day?

I feel I was prepared as I could have been for the day. It wasn't really a big deal for me, after all they would just be watching the class. I hardly noticed them in the first place, and I really don't know why it sounded like such a big deal when everyone was talking about it. I also don't know how one can be prepared for something like that. It's similar to trying to prepare someone to eat something. If they don't like it, you still can't make someone ready to eat it, you just make the food easier to eat (like how the people watching would stay out of the way and not interrupt anything, making them hardly noticeable)

Do you feel the team was impressed?

I really don't know whether or not they were impressed. Since I hardly noticed them in the first place, I didn't really think on their reactions. I hope they are impressed, and I can't really think of a reason they would be severely unimpressed. If I had to guess, I'd say that they thought our school was pretty okay.

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