Friday, May 20, 2011

Career Cruising

Do you feel that you have learned about a fiels that might offer you a profitable future?

Yes, I encountered several interesting career choices that I might consider for the near future. However, not many of them are related to commtecg

Does this require you to go to college after high school?

Yes, all of the career choices I looked at required at least college. Some of them even askec for university

Out of a range from one to ten, what is the chance of you going in this direction

I think I would rate it a 5 because I don't really know if I am interested in going into commtech in the future

Friday, May 6, 2011

mothers day

Where and when did mothers day originate or start?

Mother's day was first celebrated in the united states in 1909

What do you plan to do for your Mom on this mother's day?

I plan on making my mom a lemon meringue pie

Starting a new app

What functions (2) have you found the same (that you already knew)? Explain

the functions that I already knew about were the free transform tool and the brush tool. They appear in photoshop, though the brush tool works slightly different, they are much the same.

Do you feel that using apps form the same group, Adobe, has increased your learning ability? Explain in three sentence

I feel that adobe has enhanced my learning ability because of how compatible they are. Learning one adobe prodcut opens the oppurtunity to learn about another one, because they share much of the same tools and keyboard shortcuts. I think it is nice that most of the programs we use are synchronized like that.