Friday, April 16, 2010

What I have learned so far in Flash

One of the most important things in flash that I learned about is tweening. I learned how you need to convert something into a movie clip symbol. I learned how to decide the amount of frames, and to make a keyframe. After that, it is very easy to just right click on the frames between #1 and the keyframe, and select 'motion tween'.

Another thng I learned to use in flash is the library. The library is extremely useful because it keeps track of all the symbols, and you can pull out multiple of the same symbol. This is mandatory for if you want to make more complicated animations.

A third thng I learned to do in flash is how to make a symbol animated. I used this in making the car move. I double click on the symbol, and withn the symbol, I can make frames. This allows me to have a wheel rotate, while tweening a vehicle along a road.

There are other things I learned, and other things I will learn soon about flash, but these are some of the most important.